Friday, April 13, 2012

Introducing Mr. Coe

Roscoe indulges my Spaghetti Western fantasy by wearing this Western-themed dog collar.

Meet Mr. Coe. Mr. Ross Coe. Or just Roscoe, as named by Animal Control employees when he was originally picked up in the summer of 2010. He was rescued from a terrible hoarding situation in Arizona, and the lovely people at the AFRP drove out to claim him and two others when their time was up at the Yavapai Humane Society. I adopted him a couple of months later. 

When Roscoe first came home, he was a feral animal. Now, over a year and a half later, he's still pretty "spooky" but slowly and steadily getting better. In fact, I'd even call him a "real dog" now. Roscoe is a sneak, a weasel, and a cad. He is a treat burglar, a butter bandit, and aficionado of Ultimate Comfort. He's jealous and under-handed, but also absurdly affectionate and gentle, goofy and endearing. We love him super amounts. With a mug like the one below, it's clear he gets by with his good looks, no?

Roscoe enjoying the lower Haight, San Francisco, spring 2011