Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jonah Matranga and two new postcards take us into the summer season

Well, this is a blast from the past...

On the back, Rachael only wrote: nostalgia! Indeed, Rachael, indeed!
Remember Jonah Matranga, also known as onlinedrawing, bandleader of New End Original (anagram of onlinedrawing), and member of earlier band Far? No? Here's the wikipedia link, then.* I found the postcard above in the mailbox earlier this week and thought: woah. Rachael must have been hoarding this postcard since, like, 1999. I remember that we got really into his music around that time, and saw him perform at the Troubadour in LA at least twice (oh what fond teenaged memories). The music was important to us then. I think I'll scrounge up those CD ep's of his that I have hiding in CD sleeves (OLD) and give them a listen. Apparently he just came out with a new album! And did you know that he has a twitter?**

A couple of days later I received the postcard below. What is going on in that image?

And on the back, a lovely message (though I do wish that I had the info for whatever's going on on the front of the postcard... perhaps you'll humor me in the comments, Rachael?) You can just barely make out a little text blurb under the sticker Rachael put down to write over, but I don't want to peel it back and ruin the text.

Thank you for being an enthusiastic postcard sender, Rachael! Keep them coming! I'll see you in August (if you don't take a weekend roadtrip to visit us up here first, HINT HINT)!

* Also check out this April 2013 Huffington Post piece with horrendous writing done by Salvatore Bono. 
** All of this information is purely for Rachael's amusement. Unless I start developing weird Jonah Matranga fan base blog traffic to rival my weird Enriqueta Martí serial killer fan base blog traffic. 


Rachael said...

Oh, I'm just getting around to seeing this now - what a slacker I am! The postcard was leftover from some art show at the Bronfman Center, from when I worked there at NYU. So... it is art. Does that clear things up?